Some shameless self-promotion for the Advocate and the blog as we get ready to switch to the new blog platform. Friday will be our last day at this address.
Karen Blessen, who designed our October 2007 magazine cover, won a Katie award for best magazine cover, beating every other magazine in town (including all the famous ones). That was our Trinity toll road referendum issue. Meanwhile, has named Back Talk one of the top blogs in Dallas. That was nothing -- wait until they see what we do next with the new platform.
After the jump, everything you need to know to use the new site.
• Change any bookmarks for the blog. Starting Nov. 24, we won't be using this site for new posts. All new posts will be at (And, in a show of great devotion, we have been double posting for the past several weeks to prepare for the switch.)
• If you have an email or RSS subscription to the blog, you'll need to subscribe again on the new site. There is a box on the right hand side of the page that explains how to do this. Effective Nov. 24, we have to turn off the old email and RSS subscription services. We know that this is a huge inconvenience, and we had many long meetings about how to handle the subscription dilemma. This is the best we could come up with; the alternatives were even worse.
• Be patient with us. So far, everything is working the way it's supposed to work, but the one thing we have learned throughout this process is that past performance is no indication of future performance. If you run into a bug, let us know.
• The blog archives will continue to exist on this site, and there is a link to the archives on the new site on the lower right hand corner of the page. You could have trouble finding older posts and comments on the new site, but this is another of those problems that there was no easy way around. We're trying to meld two incompatible blog platforms, and we weren't aware that they were incompatible when we started this effort.
• If you have any web- or cyber-related skills that can help us with any of these problems, let us know. Or, if you have ideas about improving the site, tell us, too. This is a work in progress, and we're going to be working on it for the foreseeable future.